The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ship classification society ClassNK to join forces for maritime technologies research and development.

The new research partnership aims to improve ship safety and environmental sustainability and also promote and share maritime thought-leadership on technology.

MPA chief executive Andrew Tan said: “We are happy to partner (with) ClassNK on this important initiative to jointly develop innovative solutions and tools addressing ship safety, emission control and marine renewable energy.

“The signing of this MoU is a reflection of the emphasis we place on innovation and R&D, and signifies a shared vision to make the industry safer, more efficient and greener.”

One of the significant areas of this research and development (R&D) will be the structural integrity and fatigue-related research for safe and reliable construction and operations of ships.

It will also carry out studies on the application of data analytics to support real-time anomaly detection of machinery, as well as monitoring emissions and condition-based monitoring of structures for ship and machinery operations.

With a focus on environmentally friendly ships, the team will undertake applied research in emission control and alternative fuel engine technologies.

In addition, it will attempt to develop a tropical marine renewable energy test site and tidal energy generation, energy storage systems for shore power supply, material bio-fouling studies and live-monitoring of the maritime ecosystem using telemetry and wireless communications, the MPA stated.

Meanwhile, ClassNK has opened its ClassNK Global Research and Innovation Centre (GRIC) to undertake research with industry, academia and government agencies in Singapore and from around the world. (Ast)


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