Atami Marine Spa

Sports & Onsen Facility beside Sun Beach

The Atami Marine Spa is actually not a ‘spa’, but a three story health and fitness facility. There are two sections on the first floor. One contains a 25 meter swimming pool, a ‘lazy river’, small water slide, and kids thermal pool. The other is a ‘health zone’, with a hydro pool, saunas, water jets, bubble seats, etc. The second floor contains a lobby with sitting area, a restaurant, a bathing suit shop, a reservation desk, and 100 yen massage chairs. The restaurant serves the basics: curry, spaghetti, noodle dishes, ice cream… Regular dress is required in this area. Also on this floor are the locker rooms, which are connected to a traditional style ‘naked’ hot springs indoor bath. These baths are separated by sex, but the rest of the facility is open to everyone. On the third floor are massage rooms, and an open air heated pool which is open from March to October.

Upon entering the facility each guest takes off their shoes and puts them in a locker. Then, at the front desk, everyone is given a wristband with a bar code. Anything purchased during the visit is charged to the wristband, and the total is paid when exiting. Towels are not part included in the entrance fee, but can be ‘rented’ at the front desk for a small fee. Towels can also be obtained at the reservation desk on the 2nd floor. Swimsuits can also be rented there, and face towels can be purchased. Anyone interested in getting a massage can sign up at this desk.

This is a great place for a group of ladies, couples, or families. If you do not have children, I recommend visiting on a weekday when school is in session. It is very quiet and you’ll have most of the place to yourself. Another option is the evening, when there are reduced rates. If you are looking for a traditional hot springs bath, this isn’t the place to go. However, the water on the rooftop is not too hot, and can be great if you like soaking for a long time. (Lbk)


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