Kendari New Port Would be Transformed to the International Logistic Hub


    The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has supported the development of Kendari New Port, in Southeast Sulawesi which expected to become the logistic hub.

    The Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi hoped the development carried out by PT Pelindo IV (Persero) can start soon and complete in 2018.

    The presence of the port would be able to maximise the port activities in Kendari as the Port of Nusantara Kendari is impossible to be expanded and the large ships cannot berth there any longer.

    “Through Kendari New Port, we hope Kendari can be the national – cum- international logistic hub,” he said in Jakarta, yesterday.

    For information, Pelindo IV has set up the budget of IDR936 billion to build Kendari New Port. The budget gained from the State Capital Injection (PMN) of IDR 635 billion and the company capital of IDR301 billion.

    For the first stage, the container terminal would be built on five hectares of land of the available land width 85 hectares; which can handle about more than 250,000 TEUs per year.

    The Minister remarked, he supported this project and will do the best he could including the environment impact analysis (Amdal) that promised to complete this week.

    He also said that the Ministry targeted to build 100 vessels with the weight of 35 gross tonne (GT) this year.

    The fund prepared for this project would be IDR200 billion. The specification of the vessels would be adjusted to Indonesian waters as well as the safety and security standard of shipping.

    “Specifically for Southeast Sulawesi, we will grant it five boats-people and conduct the short course for one hundred sailors,” said the former President Director of PT Angkasa Pura II.

    Meanwhile, from human resources side, the Ministry through the Human Resources Development Department (BPSDMP) targeted 48,335 participants all over the country to participate in the short course for the community empowerment. To implement this, BPSDMP collaborated with the universities and the local government.

    Furthermore, the Minister said work visit he has been doing every week was intended to show and make sure the vision and mission of the government, so people can also enjoy the benefits. (Dds/Pas)


    Source : Rakyat Merdeka


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